Crosswords1 min ago
Another By Election, In Scotland
A byelection will be held in Rutherglen and Hamilton West after constituents voted for the Covid rule-breaking MP Margaret Ferrier to be removed from her seat.
Voters in the constituency had six weeks to sign a recall petition, which was automatically triggered after Ferrier, the former Scottish National party member who now sits as an independent, was suspended from the Commons for 30 days after being convicted of breaking travel rules during lockdown.
More than 10% of eligible voters did so, triggering a byelection contest that Scottish Labour and the SNP consider a crucial test in advance of the next general election. In total, 11,896 of 81,124 (15%) eligible constituents signed the petition. //
Not one for the Tories to win (or lose).
Voters in the constituency had six weeks to sign a recall petition, which was automatically triggered after Ferrier, the former Scottish National party member who now sits as an independent, was suspended from the Commons for 30 days after being convicted of breaking travel rules during lockdown.
More than 10% of eligible voters did so, triggering a byelection contest that Scottish Labour and the SNP consider a crucial test in advance of the next general election. In total, 11,896 of 81,124 (15%) eligible constituents signed the petition. //
Not one for the Tories to win (or lose).
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https:/ / eguardi politic s/2023/ aug/01/ rutherg len-and -hamilt on-west -byelec tion-tr iggered -after- constit uents-v ote-to- remove- margare t-ferri er-from -seat#: ~:text= Voters% 20in%20 the%20c onstitu ency%20 had,bre aking%2 0travel %20rule s%20dur ing%20l ockdown .