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Good Morning Early Birds

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LadyCG | 04:34 Wed 30th Aug 2023 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Good morning, Birdies. I hope you are all well. It's midweek already - just as well as I'm feeling the strain of being back to work already and I've only done one day!

No special plans for us this week, just a massive pile of ironing to get through.

Whatever you're up to, have a superb day :-)


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Morning everyone! Xx
Mr Smow went away on business yesterday and won’t be back till Friday so it’s just me on my own lol
Morning, hope you enjoyed your time in Torrkey.....

welcome back to the grey misery here - looks like more of the same down here today.
Good morning all!
Plenty to do, if I can just get the grass cut, that'll do me.
Have a good one.
Take care folks.
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Morning all. Sorry for the delay, it's been a mad dash this morning. It's my first time in the office for 13 days.

Make the most of it, Smow. I'd give anything for some peace and quiet at times.

DT, this weather is far nicer than what we had in Turkey. The humidity was unbearable and it doesn't die down at night. When you're a woman of a certain age, it's torture. I'm badly burnt too across the top of my back and shoulders, despite drenching myself in Factor 50. I'm just peeling now :-(

Nice to see you, Chip. I hope you can get the grass done.
Good morning all from a cold,dreich,miserable Aberdeen.(Just another summer day in Aberdeen,truth be told).Have a nice day everyone.
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Morning, Miffy. Aberdeen is still a nice place though isn't it? I've heard good things about it.
Yes it is a nice place, the summertime.Used to be a prosperous Oil City,but has been diminishing fast the last thirty years or so.Like all cities in the UK,lots of empty shops etc.Sad.
By the way anyone know where MurrayMints has disappeared to?Either unwell or just got fed up with AB?
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Unfortunately Minty has succumbed once again to COVID, on a background of Long COVID. Hopefully she is getting some much-needed rest.

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Good Morning Early Birds

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