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Bed Bug Alert

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Canary42 | 22:33 Wed 04th Oct 2023 | ChatterBank
8 Answers

Severe outbreak currently in Paris apparently.

But if (when) they get here, you can sniff them out it's said. Here is how you can sort them out allegedly :-

Must go, I've got an annoying itch 😁😁😁😁😁



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They'll probably cross the Channel in rubber boats.

Doesn't surprise me from the firesides.

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Far more likely to be brought over by returning tourists from bug-ridden hotels. The warm conditions in aircraft/ferries far more conducive to bug survival than an open dinghy in the channel.

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TTT being his usual nasty self!

I remember my father telling me about him walking his beat in Lots Road ,Chelsea on a hot summers day in 1938. He had come from the valleys and not out of Police college long. He saw an old boy sitting in a deck chair on the pavement of  the terraced row of houses. All the women were bringing out the bedding and soft furnishings onto the pavement. My Dad enquired of the old man as to what was going on." It's them old steam tugs guv'nor. Gives you hell don't it. They have to go" My Dad was confused as the Thames was right behind the the Lots Road Power station and he couldn't understand how they were going to eliminate the steam tugs on the river. It didn't take my Welsh Father to pick up cockney rhyming slang.

He didn't stay to watch the women beat the bugs out the furnishings whilst taking advantage of the hot weather.

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He can't help it Maggie, he's xenophobic.

This has been happening in the UK for over a year now

 My nephew came over from Australia to take part in some football trials in Fleetwood. He was placed in a hotel in Blackpool where unfortunately the hotel beds were infested with lice. He ended up being badly bitten and told us that the bugs were crawling all over the beds in his room. Needless to say he quickly vacated the room and the football academy found him alternative accommodation. 

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