I Wish I Could Speak German . . .
ChatterBank2 mins ago
I hope those free palastine protesters in the uk take a long hard look at themselves.
TTT, there is no Hamas fan club on here.
What is happening is awful, Hamas are showing themselves to be evil. We can all agree on that.
But there is no need to take sides, people are suffering on both sides of this pointless conflict. There are heart wrenching stories in the media from both sides, some of which are propaganda.
Man's inhumanity to Man
wolf: "But there is no need to take sides" - there is an absolute need to take sides. I take the side of the victim that was attacked against the side of those that want to exterminate us all, the agressor the perpetrator of unimaginably depraved acts. I am amazed that you and others make no distinction.
They have been at war for decades. There is hatred on both sides.
my sympathy goes to the innocents caught in the.
you should get your eyes tested, you only seem to see in black and white. neither country is completely innocent in this conflict.
the terrorists need to be eradicated and the two countries need to negotiate a peaceful settlement.
One of the perplexing things about all this is the people showing condemnation for the under seige Israelis were noticable in their absence in condemnation for the terrorist group hamas when they were slaughtering, and recording the torture, of innnocent women and children. The only noticeable acknowledgement, from them, manifested itself in a bout of dancing in the street and tub thumping. These same people are now filled with horror at the ensuing reaction and flooded with sympathy for the poor innocents. They even had the vile cheek to stage a march around our Cenetaph. We will indeed remember them.
this has been going on for millennia, with God's encouragement
When the trumpets sounded, the army shouted, and at the sound of the trumpet, when the men gave a loud shout, the wall collapsed; so everyone charged straight in, and they took the city. They devoted the city to the Lord and destroyed with the sword every living thing in it—men and women, young and old, cattle, sheep and donkeys.
A little genocide by the Israelites, all in their holy book.
of course there weren't any Muslims at Jericho and no Christians either, and arguably only proto-Jews: that's what I'm saying, the enmity goes back centuries before that.
Joshua thought he'd exterminated the Canaanites as ordered by his war god. But he must have missed some, as Canaanite DNA has been found among the Lebanese population. Let's see if the Israelites cross the border to finish the job this time.
I don't see the point of throwing this around and discussing the rights and wrongs of history. The Palestinians have just cause to feel resentment - I think they've been treated abysmally - but we are where we are, Israel exists, and understandably, Israel and the Jews will fight for its survival as it must. We are now in a situation where Islamic terrorists - and make no mistake, regardless of what they call themselves, they are all of a similar mindset and they all hate the west with a vengeance - literally - are attacking Israel on behalf of the Palestinians. They are holding people, including children, hostage and they are slaughtering in the most barbaric ways - and that is what should be of paramount concern to the rest of the world right now. The hand-wringing must stop, the idealism abandoned in favour of realistic consideration of the future, of thinking clearly and rationally about what sort of world peace-loving people want and, moreover, the sort of world we are in great danger of creating.
Those people championing the Palestinian cause and marching around our cities in their thousands haven't really thought about what they're supporting - but if they get their wish they'll know - and they won't like it one bit. Contrary to their misguided notions, radical Islam recognises no friends in the west. Mr Corbyn and Co may be their friends but when push comes to shove, they aren't his. They regard those supporters as no more than useful idiots - and they are. To see people dressed in uniforms resembling those of terrorist groups parading themselves around our Cenotaph makes my blood run cold. I seriously fear for the future.