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I Wonder If The Thoughts Of The Idf Artillerymen Inflicting...

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sandyRoe | 10:15 Tue 24th Oct 2023 | News
89 Answers

... collective punishment on the many innocents in Gaza, ever turn to the attack on the Jews in the Warsaw ghetto?

A small, lightly armed, force of Jews stood up to the might of the German army during the siege in the 1940s.  

One set of lightly armed men are considered heroes, another sub-human scum.



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Oh Sandy, and I thought you were from Ireland.
20:45 Tue 24th Oct 2023

naomi - // What they do is not warfare. //

I think it is - as far as it is possible to define the concept of warfare.

Merriam-Webster defines warfare as military operations between enemies, an activity undertaken by a political unit (as a nation) to weaken or destroy another (e.g., economic warfare) or a struggle between competing enemies.3 Traditional warfare has taken the form of violent military action among nation-states.

oh dear

Have fun boys and girls

They won't believe that LB, not the fluffy bunny nice chaps of Hamas. Daily Mail fantasy!

andy-hughes. 21.37.  I see no mention of barbarism, of rape, of deliberately slaughtering civilians including children, nor of taking hostages.  I repeat what Hamas does is not warfare.

ToraToraTora @ 10.50:

"you terrorists fans fail to reaslise that everything that has hapenned was started by your heroes."

Not true. This is just the continuation of biblical history, since when Jews and Arabs have hated each others' guts.   

It's quite ironic to find contributions to this thread about terrorism, from a user who has a terrorist call sign for a screen name. As PP would say, just another day on AB!

10cs, what a surprise another anti semite lefty, who'd have thunk it!

10cs: "Not true. This is just the continuation of biblical history, since when Jews and Arabs have hated each others' guts.   " - well they were brothers, the descendents of Shem - one of the sons of Noah, hence "semite". I wonder when they first fell out.

TTT @ 09.44:

"10cs, what a surprise another anti semite lefty, who'd have thunk it!"

A poor response to my accuracy.

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