News0 min ago
18 Dead In Mass Shooting
When will America do something to try an stop this happening.
The guns I saw in Walmart were a fair selection, from handguns to hunting rifles. Having left Walmart, we decided to go to the retail outlets at the top of International Drive, where we found a shop called Blades. They sold all kinds of knives and blades, swords, throwing stars etc. The centrepiece of the store was a huge, highly decorated Claymore stood in front of a suit of armour. There were lots of people in the store, including young children. Taint just guns that's the problem folks!
The USA as a whole has a problem, but some states are definitely worse than others. Remember that the best states are still under the same constitution and second amendment as the worst states. It would be better if all states were as good as the best states now.
Here's a list of all states, from best to worst:
When I was young and growing up, mentally disturbed people were dealt with differently. If someone was of such mental disarray that they were dangerous or could be, they were sent to the state hospital where they were observed and kept intil it was determined they were safe to be released into the public. Now, they want these people to be left out in public where they are a great danger to the public. We need to go back to the days where these people were dealt with and not be allowed out in the general population until they are evaluated and show that they are of a safe sane mind.