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Is Cannabis A Gateway Drug?

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ToraToraTora | 11:50 Mon 25th Nov 2019 | News
52 Answers
Not every one who takes it moves on to harder drugs but everyone on harder drugs started on Cannabis.


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They will, I think. It is a very different drug nowadays to how it used to be- and even then, it didn't do anyone any favours in the long-run.
Ymb... I thought that, but this one is much more underhand and devious than spath ever seemed to be x
ah; /It's a facile argument, and it has always had its believers, but that does not make it true. It's not./

You can always be relied on to talk nonsense with feigned authority.
Many people DO move on to stronger drugs & and many people DO move on to a larger & stronger intake of alcohol.

See the last paragraph of my above post at 12:32
Some do, khandro, but not all. That doesn't in any way prove that one leads to another. It is too individual to say that.
Prison Service 27.5 years
Thanks, CaC x
Personally I would like to try cannabis for pain relief as an alternative to opiate-based prescription drugs. But I won't do so now as that would fund criminal activities. There must be some scope for legalisation with appropriate controls.
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it can be prescribed now dave
The UK government doesn't legalise cannabis because they're already profiting off it without having a nation of tokers. There is cannabis being grown in the UK and grown by GW pharma. We all know there are quite a few conservatives involved with GW pharmaceuticals.

If it was that harmful, why vote for MPs who have their fingers in corrupt pies?

The answer would be to not vote for these MPs.
dave; //Personally I would like to try cannabis for pain relief as an alternative to opiate-based prescription drugs. //

I believe it can be bought now in the UK high street (Holland&Barratt)
This is an oil extracted from the plant & isn't in any way the same as the resin made from the leaf. Mrs. K. has been taking it for several months for severe neck pain & is pleased with the results. She's a long way from becoming a junkie!
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