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Dutch Monarch

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Puzzled2022 | 21:59 Fri 24th Nov 2023 | Offers & Competitions
5 Answers

Hi, Can anyone help with Dutch monarch (5,7)?

I was thinking Queen Beatrix or Queen Juliana, but don't know which.




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What are we looking for please, Puzzled?

^^^ sorry, or is it a straightforward question/answer?

Question Author

Sorry, something went awry in my setting up the question. Quiz is 'A right royal quiz' (Peterborough Lions). It's Q5. The clue is Dutch Monarch (5,7).


Thanks, Puzzled. Perhaps it is just a straight question and either of your suggestions will fit.

There are much better Puzzlers than me on AB; perhaps they'll see something more.

the current one is Maxima, which doesn't fit; either of the ones you suggest should do.

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Dutch Monarch

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