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fruitsalad | 20:22 Fri 29th Dec 2023 | Food & Drink
14 Answers

Does anyone else not like eggs, or is it just me, runny eggs just make me gag....yuk



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I don't like eggs either.  I think that, in the whole of my life, I've only ever bought just one box of eggs.

Food of the gods.

I hate them in any shape or form. Not allowed in the house. Other family members disagree with me but that is their tough luck.

I love eggs. I eat loads of 'em! Omelettes are best.

Love scrambled eggs.   Use a lot, too, when baking.

I hate runny eggs and egg whites but love omelettes and scrambled eggs, poached or fried just with the whites removed 

I love a runny poached egg, and M&S's runny Scotch egg. Mmmm mmm mmm...

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I like eggs...runny for poached and fried, hard boiled for sandwiches. Gone off scrambled, quite enjoy a really tasty veg packed omelett.

I used to dislike eggs...mostly because of the whites. Over the past decade, I've eaten more and more...I must have eggs in the fridge. A fridge without eggs is an empty fridge.

I can even tolerate runny yolks. Best ways to eat them are omelettes and frittata/ tortilla. I'll even eat a fried egg on occasion if smothered in harissa, herbs and other bits that distract.

My favourite food.  Love eggs cooked any way as long as they're not 'snotty'!  I could never eat one raw like some people do.

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Wonder if the reason I'm don't like them is when I was a school kid my Dad use to mix raw egg and milk for me to drink, and drink it I did.

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I love eggs, agree with Pasta runny whites not so nice.... Bacon and egg butty (cooked correctly) will be a taste delight... have you tried aggs recently ?

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