No matter what I try and do, my pc keeps telling me that I am running out of space on the C drive. Part of the problem is that I am unsure what I can and cannot safely delete. I don't really want to splash out on more memory as (a) the machine is over 3 years old and (b) I cannot believe that I would need more for something I only use for email and storing the odd letter [I can't even write them since I broke the printer!]
Can anyone suggest anything that might help?
Open My computer and right click on your hard drive. Go to properties and select the option to clean up old files etc. This should free up some space on your hard drive. Also go into your internet options (in control panel) and delete your temporary files (their is a button to do this).
Also go through your my documents and other folders and delete or backup any thing you dont use - also uninstall any unused applicatins or games.