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Google Chrome

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tony_mc | 20:32 Tue 30th Apr 2024 | Technology
10 Answers

I got a new laptop -windows - didn't want Edge - So I downloaded Google Chrome - used laptop today and Google chrome is showing as Yahoo - what is that all about?



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No idea, uninstall and download again

Do you need to set a default "Home" page ?

I have never seen Yahoo on Chrome

Google Chrome is a web browser, which can be set to default to show any particular web site (such as when you first open it.  You've either clicked on something to select Yahoo as your preferred start page or another program on your laptop has done that for you.

Decide which website you'd like to see appear when you first open Chrome.  (e.g. or .  ).  Go to that page. (If you'd rather just see nothing at all, type about:blank instead of a web address).

Click on the three dots at the top right of your screen.

Hover your mouse over your Google username if you're signed into Google.  (If you're not signed in, hover your mouse over 'Person 1').  In the panel which appears on the left, click on 'Customize your Chrome'.

At the left of your screen, click on 'On start-up'.

Click on 'Use current pages'.

Chrome will then always launch with your preferred website already selected.

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Wow. Very detailed....was expecting a link at the end 

But I am confident it's simply a case of resetting the default search engine  from Yahoo to chrome.

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