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The Stamer Stone

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youngmafbog | 11:55 Thu 16th May 2024 | News
6 Answers

Not quite the same ring to it as The Ed Stone but SKS' latest attept to nail his colour to the post I guess and of course is subject to his (very regular) U-turns.

All very laudable but the devil is always in the detail and this sadly lacks any of that.





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If Rodders gets in he'll soon learn that it's more difficult than it looks to enact change. If he manages to stop the invasion he'll get my undying gratitude, I don't care about this latest list.

He ran Labour's plans past the unions the other day to thrash out what they were happy with him doing.  One thing is for sure. He'll cut illegal immigration in one fell swoop.  His new Border Security Command will be busily employed rubber stamping brand new documents.   Load of rubbish.

What is a Stamer Stone?

Any potential PM will promise the moon and stars in the hope of election.

It's not hard to whistle up a list of the electorate's main beefs and promise to fix them.

But they never do.

The daily mail trying to persuade their readers not to vote Labour. 

Gawd elp us things must be bad in toryland. 🤣

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