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dylanfanatic | 10:49 Sat 04th Jan 2020 | Sport
17 Answers
On Jan 1 2020 I placed an e.w. patent bet with William Hill local bookies in my home town as follows:-
Protektorat 12-15 Cheltenham 11/2
oldgrangewood 2-00 Cheltenham 14/1
Roksana 3-10 Cheltenham 3/1
I had two winners and a place returning £78-34. However, a spoilt little child decided that he had been 'interfered with' during the race and there was a 'stewards enquiry.' As a result Protektorat was disqualified for 'careless riding' and demoted to second place, paying out £26.34. In this mornings Daily Express sports page the owners of protektorat, including Sir Alex Ferguson are appealing and taking the case to the B.H.A. in the coming days. Where does that leave me and my bet? I still have the 'slip.' Do I cash in my bet for £26.34 or wait to see if the B.H.A. rule in 'Fergie's (and my) favour? And when and how will I know the date and result of the B.H.A.'s decision and if in my favour, will I get my £78.34? Sorry for such a long winded question, and any help GREATLY appreciated.
Thanks folks.
Bob (dylanfanatic).


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The appeal only concerns prize money for the owner of the horse. It does not alter the circumstances of your bet. Where did you place your bet? Most firms settle on a 'first past the post' basis, paying out on the winner and any amended result.
With Ken here. Will Hill do profess to pay "first past the post" regardless of a steward's enquiry. However it is possible that the local branch manager has decided not to honour this tacit agreement, possibly having a bad day at the office, and looking to cut losses. I think that I would be contacting Will Hill's customer relations office and asking what the definitive ruling is.
Some where in the back of my mind I caN recall a "managers discretion" get out clause in the promise to pay FPTP. If the local branch manager has decided not to honour the promise I would never place another bet there again and I would tell as many other locals as possible. I would also let WH customer relations know that as well.
I don't think Dylan has 'cashed' his bet yet. You/He will get payed in full.
There's a point. Have you actually been in to claim your dosh or have you assumed that you will not get the winner? If so I would go and cash the slip. If they try to pay you the reduced sum refuse it and retain your slip and then make the enquiry to customer relations.
Question Author
Thanks for all the great answers folks, I phoned William Hill head office and they said 'first past the post' applies to SINGLE w/e.w. bets only (not multiples, patents, etc.) and this rule was discontinued May 2019, so since I still have my slip, I guess my choice is cash in now £26.34, or wait for the B.H.A. ruling and the final result? Hope they rule in my (and Fergie's) favour and decide quickly (within three months)before my bet is 'out of time limit).
I obviously didn't read the post correctly and missed that the bet was placed with Willy Hill. Just looked at the rules and I quote, "Objections, disqualifications and amended results subsequent to the weighed in announcement will be disregarded."
Ah, then the rules have altered since the info I was quoting was published. As I said earlier though, Dylanfanatic, the result of the appeal by the owners does not affect your bet, i'm afraid. If that were the case, do you believe all those who were on the eventual winner would be asked to return their winnings? The only people who gain from a decision overturned on appeal is the connections. Cash your bet and change your bookies.
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Thanks Ken, I guess I'll just have to collect my winnings and 'grin and bear it' lol, we did have a Cooke;s here but they were forced out by exorbitant rates and they were 100% better than William (Dick Turpin) Hill. I am bloody fuming, as is Fergie no doubt, bloody O'Brian and his jockey being a right pair of ***, the race was won fair and square!
I wasn't aware of that new rule. I wonder if other bookies have adopted it? (they generally work in tandem)
Must admit that I never considered that FPTP only appertained to singes. The bleedin banner ads don't make it plain do they.
As was mentioned, Togo, the rule must have changed quite recently. First past the post was always inclusive of win/e.w. singles and multiple bets to my knowledge. I will be checking the other firms as and when I have the time.
Question Author
Hi Ken 4155 I went on will hill online chat site and described my issue, The girl I chat said she would have to take it up with the shop and would email me (she hasn't yet). According to their rules first past the post still applies :
William Hills First Past The Post Rules (they pay first past the post and amended result)
If the result of a race is amended before the weigh-in, when the official result is declared, win single/multiple bets and the win part of each way single/multiple bets will be paid on both the official result and first past the post with the following exceptions: –
The Grand National | ante post bets | forecast or tricast bets | void races | a selection taking the wrong course | a selection given as the winner in error by the judge | a selection carrying the wrong weight | a jockey failing to weigh-in | Totepool bets | favourite points markets | distance markets | bets placed on a two runner race | special match bets | novelty bets | ‘Insurance’ markets | ‘without the favourite’ markets | ‘place only’ markets | match bets. So if you get any more info/proof can you email please?
Thanks, Bob
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