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How Do You Stop A Cow?

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ToraToraTora | 13:26 Sun 16th Jun 2024 | Jokes
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TTT, this is sick.

No vets were available, a farmer would have the sense not to tackle a cow and it was attacking people.   No-one seems to have any sympathy for the people being attacked.

there is nothing in the article about it attacking people. the article refers only to "traffic disruption"

this was a reckless and idiotic thing to do. an indictment of the sort of person our police forces recruit.

The cops have firearms units - I'd have thought the safest & most expedient thing to have done was to shoot the animal.

the cow suffered cuts and bruises and should make a full recovery no members of the public were injured 

if this had been an escaping criminal on a stolen moped and the criminal had suffered serious injury would the driver have been removed from duty ?

probably - the police routinely give up chasing motorbikes if they think the fugitive is in danger of being injured

Actually Johnny yes I'd have hoped so. Deliberately ramming suspected criminals with a car is not acceptable on any level.

Can some of you not see how socially amoral or even one of the 'pathics' that describe people who have no feelings for others that this driver must be to do that to a young cow? 

Prudie, Johnny said 'escaping' crminals - not suspected criminals.  I can't say I'd have much sympathy if police had run over Lee Rigby's killers for example.

quick thinking police offier saves cow's life second before an order was issued to shoot the rampaging animal by knocking it over with his vehicle ( the animal survived with a few cuts and bruises )

is another spin on this story



Am I right ?

I'm Not Wrong !

I don't think the escaping or suspected context makes any difference. I'd also have been happy to see Lee Rigby's killers or lots of other pointless humans run over by the police but that is not the law or procedure and thus it's not acceptable. The driver who would should be removed from duty yes, as should one who is capable of deliberately driving at a cow.


And finally:


I'm sure it won't be enough for some but a farmer reckons the police driver is more removed from Hitler or Pol Pot than some would have us believe.

Suggests that his occupation has resulted in him being less emotionally involved with his animals than he might have been. Most outside the industry are likely to be more sensitive regarding deliberate yet unnecessary harm.

//Deliberately ramming suspected criminals with a car is not acceptable on any level.//

I agree with Naomi.....

Remember this one?

How to manage criminals the Spanish way....nae messin' aroon here:

The criminal here ended up probably more damaged than the coo - but lived to tell the tail - to the court.

Back to the thread - it reminds me to get a rump steak for supper.... 

The "lesson to be learned" from this is that all police vehicles must immediately be fitted with bull-bars and cowcatchers:

But seriously, I've been driving for a some hours today and been listening to a few phone-ins on this topic. There were lots of farmers and cattle people explaining how easy it is to round up a stray calf. Most of their experiences related to doing so when the calf had been separated from its mother and the rest of the herd, usually in open pasture and had simply escaped into the wrong field. One described how it was dead easy to round one up using two tractors and a rope net.

But this took place in Staines. This is a heavily built up area, rather short on fields and pastures and probably short of those experienced in animal husbandry.

The media were keen to promote this animal as a "10 month old calf". But it probably weighs at least 400 kilos and could cause serious injury if it collided with pedestrians or cyclists.

I have a certain sympathy for the Surrey police. I doubt they are used to dealing with stray cattle - especially in Staines -and all the armchair and keyboard critics would do well to reflect on that. They had a primary duty to keep people safe and it seems the calf was not bulldozed to death but simply immobilised, albeit with some minor injuries.

As well as that, it kept the bloody election from the top of the news for 24 hours.  😀

Hugh Broom, the NFUs South East Livestock Chairman, said although it looked horrendous, the police "probably did the right thing."

Why didn't they just let it wander around for a bit minding it's own business?

I see dangerous looking people wandering the streets but I don't feel I need to run them over.


Lots of cow puns in this video.

//How Do You Stop A Cow?//

Refuse to buy her a drink!!

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