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Man Dies And Seven Ill After Taking 'Contaminated' Pills

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naomi24 | 10:23 Sat 29th Jun 2024 | News
18 Answers

The report doesn't say if the pills were on prescription or bought over the internet.



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I would never buy medication over the internet - you can't be sure of it's safety 

Like you said , in this case we don't know the source 

A man has died after taking what police believe was "potentially contaminated" pills used to treat insomnia.

He should have stuck to red wine.

\\Cleveland Police said the man was thought to have taken medication from a possibly compromised batch of zopiclone, which could "cause significant illness or lead to an overdose".//





Zopiclone, sold under the brand name Imovane among others, is a nonbenzodiazepine used to treat difficulty sleeping. Zopiclone is molecularly distinct from benzodiazepine drugs and is classed as a cyclopyrrolone.

Doubt they were legitimately dispensed by a pharmacy.

"Any individuals who have information regarding the batch are encouraged to contact Cleveland Police on 101.

They can also provide information anonymously via Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111."

Zopiclone is sold illegally on the streets under the name Zim-zims. If there is an illegal supply, it figures that a laboratory somewhere is creating it, and therefore the risk of a bad batch is pissible.

Officer Crabtree strikes again 😀

Zoppy is POM ( prescription only med) but can also be bought  on the street - - 

Zim-zim is one the places you visit on the Hajj ( yup you read right - see above) o god the mods will be after me for this

Are you being deliberately difficult, PP, or are you confused?

Can you see three differences between Zim-zim, slang for an illegal drug and Zamzam, a holy site in Mecca?

Or perhaps you think you are being funny.

no the connection is - - they are the same word. - 

and so it is logical  to ask  if there are other connections?

My own view is that the Zoppy is not prescription but street zop and has been contaminated with a fentanyl analogue - but I can find no reference to  that on the internet ( just looked! demon googler I am) NOR  recent advice that if  someone has taken zoppy and gone wobbly, then try Naloxone. (*)

No this is not a joke - I dont even  regard this  comment  as technical. just rather obvious public health ( and safety). But is speculation as I can find no comment more recent than 12 h.

just because a mod thinks a comment is crazy, doesnt make that comment crazy.

(*) zoppy is GABA-ergic but that should not cause apnoea by itself - wham bam ow! kapow ! mod  starts hitting PP

carry on modding Barry !


You think Zim-Zim and Zamzam are the same word?

yes - see abjad -  "An abjad ([1] Arabic: أبجد),  is a writing system in which only consonants are represented, leaving the vowel sounds to be inferred by the reader. "

Here it is zmzm - the short vowels are represented ( voluntarily) as diacritical marks ( whoopsies above the letters)

But we really always knew that arabic lacked short vowel pointing and just were pretending we didnt? 

zim and zam as near as dammit

There are short vowels - fatha er springs to mind ( zam); = = = = dont go there !

even I wanted to close my eyes after a few lines and I knew what they were gonna say....

Like a sulky teenager in a huff I thought I better check

Zimovane 7.5mg film-coated tablets. Active Ingredient: zopiclone

( one syllable reduplication in frowned on in English as baby talk, but can be elative in other languages....) - tres tres is OK in french but very very is looked down on in english

oh come on, we all really knew this, didnt we?

It's amazing how little each of us really know, even moderators on horseback.

this one suggests using Flumazz

if you fall over an overdose in the street. Perhaps they did and it didnt work ( speculation) which wd imply contamination

But Doug there is always Google - and some of us google faster than others !

oh, hahahaha - me in an exam 1980  - zop is a new generation of this kinda drug....gen Z I think

Examiner - how do benzodiazepines work?

Me they are GABA-ergic

Examiner - no they arent.

Me You better tell me how they work then

2nd examiner: good god this is the afternoon for frank answers.......... I passed ( clearly I answered other q to their satisfaction)

( I hadnt bothered to learn - "with benzodiaxepines present there is more GABA  available  at the  receptor site" - sounds like 'Gaba-ergic' to me) - technical, too technical I agree

PP - just ***

hi Dave - thanks for that mark of approval  - "I don't want to belong to any club that will accept me as a member.” Groucho Marx

the zoppy story seems to have... gone to sleep. Nothing from Cleveland about.... The Seven Sleepers ( sorry sorry - the one or two who read the bible will go crazy) - just seem to have woken up and walked out.


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