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House Insurance

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Gill1941 | 14:26 Sat 29th Jun 2024 | ChatterBank
18 Answers

Can anyone recommend an insurance company?

I have just had my renewal from LV and they are charging £140 more than last year which is extortionate.

I intend to go on uSwitch etc but just thought I'd see if anyone has any ideas first.




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I've just had a renewal from LV too...£40 up on last year.

I'm sticking with them because a) having tried for lower quotes from others, they are still lots cheaper and b)they provide good cover and are a Which? Recommended Provider for both house and car insurance.

Have you actually spoken to them?  If my husband is not happy with a renewal quote, he'll get other quotes and invariably they are lower so will get back to our insurance company and query why they are charging so much when so-and-so can do for £x and they will mostly lower their quote. He also always argues with the gas and electric people when they want to raise standing orders unreasonably and normally they see it his way!!

LV= are just amazing when it comes to claims. We insure both car and house with them and have had a small claim on each in the last 5 years. Before the house renewal they warned us that prices were going up because of the cost of materials rising sharply and we did have a large increase. The claim was due to storm damage - they sent an assessor round within a couple of days of making the claim. The assessor did a very thorough job and very quickly sent his estimate (about £3000). We were given the choice of taking the money or having their people do the job - we chose the latter. One of the men doing the work said it was always best to do that as, if extra work is found, it will be covered. If you take the money and accept a cheaper quote from someone else you might end up worse off if things don't go exactly as planned.

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Ginge, £40 I would accept but £140. No way.

No I haven't spoken to them yet but last year when they only raised it £50 they wouldn't budge so haven't yet rung them.

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I have just rung LV and they will reduce it by £20 which is not acceptable. I will go elsewhere.

I'm with Direct line and have just renewed mines recently at exactly the same premium as it was last year.  They are not on any of the comparison sites so you would need to get a quote either through their website of by contacting them direct by 'phone.

When I tried Direct Line a few days ago, their quote was £120 more than my new LV renewal for somewhat poorer cover.

I had to dump DL after 24 years of insurance with them, car and home, because they increased the price of my home insurance drastically.  I have never made a single claim.

I went to Tesco for much the same price as I had been paying for DL.  I was very disappointed.

I only do contents - been with Saga for a few years with only minimal increases. Due again in August.

Direct Line here.

I don't auto renew and check online when the renewal notice comes in, it's usually a bit lower and they honour it.

I've made one claim for a leaking shower wet floor and got enough to have the shower room redone with a mains shower, new units and bog, shower cabinet an all repairs to the damage, no problems or quibbles.

LV nearly doubled mine. I went elsewhere. I'm just waiting for their car insurance quote in a couple of weeks time, and again, I'll likely go elsewhere.

I pay £13.69 per month (i.e. about £165 per year) for buildings and contents cover through RIAS.  (That's for a recent renewal too, rather than just being at the tail end of last year's policy):

tough times for insurance quotes; insurance salesmen are starving on street corners. My DL quote shot up but I couldn't find anyone cheaper.


Try the Post Office 

Hastings Direct are amazing. Both my house AND my car insurance renewals went down this time! Their online app is brilliant, and whenever I ring them they are just so helpful on the phone. I'd definitely give them a try, 100%! 

They all seem to be doing this. Greed? Exploitation? Work from home expense?

I use Tesco’s home coverage. But they too hiked the price.

use a comparison site. But don’t use some obscure company as they might be problematic.

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Tried comparison site Money Expert. Might go with Direct Line as have a quote £100+ cheaper than LV.

Haven't tried Saga or RIAS yet.

Won't use ones I've never heard of, David.

Don't understand why gingebee is only £40 up with LV and I'm £140.  Is it done by area or what. Rip off whatever it is.

I also used Direct Line. Then they unfortunately increased the price after one year. So you probably would be better using them, for just this year.😊

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