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How The Other Half Live.

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smurfchops | 17:31 Tue 02nd Jul 2024 | News
32 Answers

Air Miles Andy’s daughter Beatrice…. Talk about the Good Life.  She was photographed dancing at a concert in Hyde Park (obviously in a VIP area) on Sunday and resting wearily on her husband's shoulder.  As it says in the Daily Mail “ she could be forgiven for being weary.  She had just returned from Hideaway, the VIP area of Glastonbury provided by Soho House”.  How the other half live eh? 



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And she'll probably have to sit and watch the tennis at Wimbledon.

Being a minor royal seems to be endless work.

Yup, it sure looks like hard work!

I'm pretty sure she isn't the only person who attended conerts on 2 days last week . There were 200000 at Glastonbury, although of course not all in the VIP area

Yes,the politics of envy knows no bounds does it.Why dont you just have Beatrice put up against a wall and shot while you are at it Smurfy?

In terms of 'how the other half lives', a guy who drinks in the same bar as me works as part of an (unnamed) super-wealthy guy's personal security team. 

He's recently been called in to work an extra Saturday shift, to provide additional security for the guy's son's 21st birthday party, which has a budget of £90,000.

Given the family's wealth, that might not sem too bad, except for the fact that it's the THIRD 21st birthday party the son has had so far this year!

Come the revolution...

Come the revolution you'll still have the haves and the have nots.  That's life.

Naomi is right - those who do  not work, do not eat ( Lenin)

Is that a Cyril Fletcher quote, naomi? 😄

Yes,the politics of envy knows no bounds does it - myrfanwy

yes ! the main  reason for voting scots  nat ( and freedom !) is  that the Furrrrst Minister can have a bigger mobile home!

ter daah !

The poor will always be with  us.... victorian saw

Fave of  the methodist high  up who used to preach hellfire  at Speakers Corner - Soper

( Soap who? etc)


Was Thatcher quoting Lenin while preaching at Scottish Presbyterians all those years ago?

No idea.  I'm saying it now though.

Ah, still livin' and laughin'.

Thatcher was quoting St Paul's letter to somebody 

@18.08.And maybe a share of the £600,000 stolen off the SNP mug members by their leaders.

or"their dear leaders"as the head honchos in the SNP like to be known.

Matthew 26:11 KJVFor ye have the poor always with you; but me ye have not always.

no wonder Soper was so keen on it

(πάντοτε γὰρ τοὺς πτωχοὺς ἔχετε μεθ’ ἑαυτῶν, ἐμὲ δὲ οὐ πάντοτε ἔχετε· for my own amusement really. The two balanced clauses - pantote, and echo - text critics wd say was typical of  one liners of the first century AD. - - well you cant really say, Christ probably said  this)

Would you like to live like it, smurfchops?

Always been the case. You are either one of the "haves" or one of the "have nots".

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