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Voter Turnout

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Hopkirk | 10:48 Wed 03rd Jul 2024 | News
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Do you think turnout will be low for the election, and who would benefit if it is low?



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if the turn out is low the main beneficiaries will be all those that have to count the balot papers.


Am I Right ?

I'm Not Wrong !

A lot of people - on all sides - are in a quandary not really wanting any of them.  What we have isn't what we voted for the last time and the prospect of a Labour Government under Keir Starmer is frightening.  

Who knows, this is one really peculiar election.

Well in the Brexit vote REMAIN was a sure thing according to the polls. REMAIN supporters were complacent & many didn't bother to vote (though they still see fit to complain about the result).

If Labour supporters are similarly lax it should benefit the Tories. 

It is, ymb.  I've never known another like it where so many people have felt so disenfranchised or so indecisive.

What's the weather forecast- that can sometimes make a difference, specially to pensioners.

it's gonna be windy

Not really here, sunny/overcast with no rain.

So I dont think that will affect it much.

More the dire choice.

Dire choice?  What about Americans in November!

"and the prospect of a Labour Government under Keir Starmer is frightening"

I think you're in the minority if that's what you believe Naomi.

On the political Keir's Labour party seem to me to be on the centre of the current political spectrum - to the right of the Liberals , well to the right of Greens and SNP, and only a hair's breadth to the left of the Tories.

Of course the current version of Labour could just be  a Trojan horse, but there's litte evidence of that. (The Unions have been very quiet though)

NMA, //I think you're in the minority if that's what you believe Naomi.//


If that's true the rest aren't listening.

I think that Boris being wheeled in as a last desperate measure and seeing  him in the Media. Reminds the Public of his disasterous leadership.  And the thought of another Tory Govt will keep even more people away from the polling stations.

//(The Unions have been very quiet though)//


That's because they're waiting to hit the jackpot.  Angela Rayner has big plans for them - and she's kept pretty quiet too.

Turnout is usually low when no change is expected. There will be change this time so I expect a healthy turnout.  
In 2019 turnout was 67%. The highest turnout was 80% and resulted in a change of party in that seat. The lowest turnout was 50% with that seat held by the incumbant.   
A lot of seats will change hands after tomorrow. And voters will come out if they know their votes will make that happen.  
The weather forecast is for some dry weather and temperatures are OK, so that always helps.

Apathy always helps the incumbant, and the mood is not to keep the status quo.

Davebro 11.14 It is that Brexit  result that is now about to kick the Tories up thei April's.

I reckon turnout will be low- can't see widespread enthusiasm for either of the main parties.

The last low turnout was in 2001, turnout fell to 59.4%, its lowest level since 1918 and down 12 percentage points compared with 1997. That favoured the incumbant, the Labour party.
2019* we had 67% turnout, and I expect similar tomorrow.

* We voted in December but turnout was only slightly down on 2017.

I also think that it will be very low. People are disillusioned.  Ex-Tories who can't bring themselves to vote for Reform will not back Starmer and just cross their fingers.

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Perhaps people will be so impressed by Ed Davey's shenanigans that they will turn out in their thousands for his team.

Just to say, I asked at our village Polling station this morning (expecting them to be bored out of their minds as usual)and they said that there had been a very steady trickly of voters and they were being kept from being bored.  Indicates a higher than I expected turnout.

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