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On Friday When The Last Of The Election Results Are In And The Dust Has Settled..

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sandyRoe | 16:21 Wed 03rd Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
10 Answers

...what are we to do with ourselves?

The last few weeks have been ones of almost constant delight.

I'm beginning to feel a sense of anticlimax already.





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Lock the doors, draw the curtains, sit in the comfy chair and weep into your hands for the empty choices we've been given.

Saturday, pub.

Do what I've been doing for the last few weeks, watch property and antiques shows on TV.

Waiting for the constant sport to be over🤬 still got the Olympics to go

A bit like margotester, bit like Hoppy and a bit like Douglas.

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I'm sure we'll all find something to pass the time.

You could get out your cheque book ready to pay the IR more cash.

For tomorrow myself and a few buddies have arranged an afternoon of cultural enlightenment at a local centre for imbibation enthusiasts.

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There's no answer to be found in drink.

Probably just carry on as I have over the past few weeks.  No football, no tennis, no news if I could avoid it.  Watch Bangers and Cash and have learned quite a lot about cars that I could never afford but I love it.

09:45 maybe not but it's fun looking!

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On Friday When The Last Of The Election Results Are In And The Dust Has Settled..

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