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Can This Be True?

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newmodarmy | 14:49 Wed 03rd Jul 2024 | News
31 Answers

Couple with 5 children. Husband earns £50k pa. She gets £12K pa Universal Credit (I'd love to know why), Presumably child benefit too?

Yet they need to rely on 'buy now pay later' schemes to afford to feed their kids?

"Laura says something needs to be done about the costs-of-living crisis which is still hurting families "every bit as badly". She said: "Kids need to be fed and the older generation is also struggling. People need to be helped out much more by the government."



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And don’t forget, Labour are about to tax the poor people by adding VAT to private school fees.

Can anyone explain to me how someone gets £12,000 a year universal credit, when their spouse is on £50,000 a year?

why doesnt she work i wonder?

This looks like cobblers. It's either a fictional story or the people involved are idiots, lying or both.

Bednobs, she's too busy home schooling the kids.

It looks like there was one interview with the couple, it's the same information in every article.

I'm curious as to how the benefit has been calculated.  

According to this website it is possible to earn £84,000 before UC is reduced to zero.

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The world has gone mad!

And about to get madder.

obviously, i dont know them, but why HS your kids if you cant afford to live - put them in school and get a blooming job.  Make the 18 yo work.  Dont complain you cant take your kids to a museum and be photograped in the bloody pub!

If they are looking for sympathy I think they have hit the wrong note!

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