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Voting Age

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davebro3 | 10:48 Fri 05th Jul 2024 | Politics
15 Answers

With his big majority will Starmer enact legislation to lower the voting age to 16?

If he does how could that affect the future of UK politics?



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It's a good thing, young people are becoming more aware due to social media

I don't think it will help at all. Until politics is taught in schools most 16 years old neither have the interest or understanding just what politics entails. 

They're certainly more aware but what they're more aware of remains debatable. 

Possibly, it'll mean that for one GE the kiddies will be allowed to vote before any such error is corrected.

Social media merely confuses the young, they believe all sorts of nonsense at places like tik tok and the like. They have difficulty spotting foreign propaganda from real news. That access is a disaster, and probably suggests the kiddies should be kept well away from so called "smart" phones. 

16 year olds are brainwashed by lefty teachers. Most of them change out of that when they acquire some assets. Prior to that they like the idea of stealing money from those that work hard and provide for themselves and the nation. So of course Labour want voters of 16 they all vote Labour.

TTT 11.53       No different to when you attended                     .                     The Tory School of Radicalisaton.

Alongside lowering the voting age, Mr Starmer will also have to devise a method of voing by smartphone. Without that it's very unlikley that many sixteen year olds will trudge along to the polling station to mark their cross with a pencil on a piece of string.

If they're interested, they'll probably ask for a postal vote.   The huge increase in postal voting is something that needs to be looked into, as it's far more likely to involve fraudulent activity than impersonation at polling stations, which voter ID was brought in to stop.

You don't need to prove yourself with photo ID in a postal vote, so what must have been the intended expected increase, occurred. In my day one was trusted as a decent citizen, athough having the voting card probably helped.

I work in Sixth Form and the Year 12 Politics class starting in Sept were asked what they thought about this idea. They unanimously said they did not like it. The reason why, the felt they didn't know enough to make such an important decision.

30% or more of the adult population feel the same way, it seems. Maybe it's time it was restricted to landowners again.

.... or perhaps just to the AB Right wing mob

I actually like the Australian way: compulsory voting and everyone takes the opportunity for communal BBQs and the like. Of course, they don't have weather down there.

That is controlling and an abuse of a person's right not to vote for someone they don't want. It's opposed to our culture of individual rights and should never be contemplated in any free society.

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