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A Simple Device To Help You Put Your Socks On.

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sandyRoe | 15:25 Sun 07th Jul 2024 | Body & Soul
17 Answers

I saw an advertisement for this but didn't pay it much heed.  I could use one now.  Anyone know what I'm talking about?



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A husband 😀

Mr U had one of these when he had his hip replacement. User Recommendationref=sr_1_17?c=ts&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.JDUPueEpcxYGoZP6XqzZ4K6NhvJ8u0RHo4dHvZ-ZwevkSYR3Vc6zgKfYMLwmhDAMvbVqBeKqlNVS9brWI2fFwVhj8AXE5xr8giBdpIrG2kylD4cZN3nqwSxCOgL_gCKQ1CWh51Y6SvrNpUqLfv56o1kGqlYVE40TS4vpOgFFtcWkj73zlOQuYrxZK--tfLHG5ooSjU5lai1JvouMc8-yZZVom2CHpCQKmaFG2FDgbn0wts6mhoMdTnlvSt_S-VoxCYWCDzUCF9VbqlQuCuPBybW78kYhDtOceGp1Kn4HdnA.CwY9iviLVaMtor2q4s_ZgJ5fZmbdQ9YjlrhznZs54sg&dib_tag=se&keywords=Sock+Aids&qid=1720362401&s=drugstore&sr=1-17&ts_id=2826352031

Passed it onto my elderly uncle afterwards who was very grateful

simple? looks like a medieval torture device. Why would anyone need a gadget to put their socks on?

TTT, if you can't bend your knee, can't bend at the waist very far, how would you put your socks on?

Some people have poor grip and that can make it difficult too.


Question Author

You might use such a device if you can't bend to get your socks on.

Lacing shoes is problematic so it's sandals now, in all weathers.

I'll be in Boots tomorrow so I'll ask if they've one in stock.

Sandy, we all wear Skechers slip ons indoors and out.

Easy to put on, they don't go baggy and have excellent grip.  Not the cheapest but well worth it for comfort and stability. I buy them in the sale.

TTT i havent been able to put socks on for around 20 years, since i was about 30.  2 hip replacements and 2 knee replacements on, i still cant :)#Barry i also rate skechers slip ins, and after 20 odd years of wearing crocs only, it was so lovely to be able to wear a proper pair of shoes

15:46 I'd get the staff to do it!🧦🧦

That's alright if you can afford to pay people, TTT.  Many older and disabled peope live alone and struggle.  

I bought a very simple aid from either eBay or Amazon.  Company called Foxy Helping

Sorry, don't know what I pressed!  I have a very simple aid called Foxy.  Cheap and does the job. Have used for about 5 years.

Called a wife.

I find bending down is the problem so I rest the leg on a  footstool in the bedroom. This way you don't bend your back so much. My spine is gradually seizing up

Question Author

I've ordered one on line and a pair of slip on shoes.

Thanks for your suggestions.

Hope it all works out for you, sandy

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