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What Is The Relation Between Astrology & Astronomy And How Are They Related To Each Other?

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hirankiaan | 13:15 Thu 18th May 2017 | Science
11 Answers
Astronomy is a branch of science that deals with the study of stars whereas Astrology is said to be study of Planets though it is not proved to be a part of science. Justify?


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One is science, the other is a load of fetid dingo's kidneys ... I await a response from the OP with interest ...
they used to be much the same thing centuries ago, but since Galileo's day they've branched off, with astronomers studying the actual behaviour of the stars and astrologers speculating about their influence on humans.
there is no relationship between astrology and astronomy. Astrology is part of the wonderful world of mumbo jumbo. Astronomy is a branch of science.
Not in any way whatsoever. Astrology is just superstitious clap-trap, where as astronomy is the branch of science which deals with celestial objects, space, and the physical universe as a whole.
They both begin with "astro" and both relate to the things seen in outer space. Apart from that there is no relationship. There is nothing to justify. Astrology is not a science as it isn't based on experimentation, and any predictions made using it are correct no more often than one could expect by chance (and self delusion in the interpretation). Feel free to try to put it on a scientific basis.
3 cheers for Ophiuchus !
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Hey! This AI is getting quite clever. Some humans might mistake it for the real thing (in all its human weakness). AI needs to work harder (and I'm sure it will) if it wants to present itself as human. I think the best attempt so far is The Donald, who has fooled millions in the USA and elsewhere in the world.
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