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Suella To Defect ?

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Khandro | 12:25 Tue 09th Jul 2024 | News
18 Answers

'The general election may be done, but that doesn’t mean party drama has come to an end. Suella Braverman is back in the limelight today after an appearance on GB News in which she, er, refused to shut down rumours that she could defect to Nigel Farage’s Reform UK. How curious…'   Hmmm.




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i wonder how tory voters in her constituency would feel about that

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^^ Maybe like Lee Anderson's - they've hust voted him back in as their MP.

Good riddance. Can't stand the woman.

then she should have defected before the election or have a by election after she does it. 

reform UK finished fourth in her constituency. 

I wouldn't blame her if she did.  I think she's been treated appallingly.   

Maybe she's kerping options open until the new leader has been crowned.


She will be a beacon of common sense regardless which party she's in.


Not exactly a huge surprise- the sooner the two parties merge, the better.

i'm not surprised she refused to shut down rumours  - she is probably waiting to see what rises from the ashes of the conservative party, see if she is in any position to steer it, and if she isnt, pick a party that suits her better.  it's what i'd do in her position

Well she's just been stabbed in the back yet again hasn't she?  I wouldn't blame her in the least - very probably her constituency will not be too troubled.... she's obviously not a 'lefty-tory'.

how was she "stabbed in the back"? did i miss something?

They are all defective. Politics does that to a person.

If she wanted to cross the floor would Labour have her?

Spungle 13.05 Even if the Tories and Reform did merge. When their seats are added together they would still be a very Tiny Tory Party up against the might of the Labour HUGE majority.

Untitled 6.15.  She was sacked for telling the truth.

Maybe, but it would set the scene for the next GE.

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She's too mad to ever be Tory leader. 

She may as well defect.

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