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That's The Way To Do It!

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Untitled | 12:22 Tue 09th Jul 2024 | History
36 Answers

a story from weymouth printed in the local paper in 1938

much to learn from! wouldn't you agree? 



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i hate to tell you this tora but the nazis were extremely intolerant of trans people 

one pink triangle has survived ( presumably thro post war intoerance) and is in a museum somewhere. - yup and look like a pink triangle ( flat bit at the top)

for intolerance of un-mimsy ideas, you dont have to wander too far from dear old AB, do you

"fascism is all about categorizing people into desirables and undesirables, and either subjugating or liquidating the latter. " - indeed and that is what is happening right now, the subjugation/liquidation is less extreme, for now, but the the style is familar.

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"Less extreme" meaning "not happening" lol. 

fascists don't "cancel" people. they kill them or they incarcerate them. 

"i hate to tell you this tora but the nazis were extremely intolerant of trans people"

And I'm extremely intolerant of intolerant people.  

Mr Farage was heckled and his press conference disrupted on the morning after the election. But over 4m people voted for candidates of his party in the GE (half a million more than voted for Liberal Democrat candidates and more than twice as many as voted for Green Party candidates).

No doubt the hecklers despise Mr Farage and/or his party's policies. I despise the Green Party's policies. Would that give me an excuse tto disrupt their press conference in the same way? After all, the election was over and even if you think it's acceptable to disrupt candidates and leaders on the hustings, surely some respect should be afforded after the election hasa been held. Or does that courtesy not figure for people with whom you disagree?

Same happened to Jess Phillips.

The intolerant commies no doubt.

"fascists don't "cancel" people. they kill them or they incarcerate them. " - fascism is the attitude to those without the prescribed opinion. Not the extremity of their measures to enforce it.

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erm that's rubbish tora lol.

Were all the kings of England, & for that matter Oliver Cromwell, all fascists ? 

"....fascism is the attitude to those without the prescribed opinion. Not the extremity of their measures to enforce it."

"erm that's rubbish tora lol."

It isn't rubbish at all. The term "fascist" is too readily applied by many people to those with whom they disagree. Police officers are regularly branded as facscists for simply enforcing the law as their oath (or declaration or attestation) requires. I was once called a fascist for suggesting that drug addicts who continually commit acquisitive crime to feed their needs should be removed from society and placed in secure clinics where their addictions can be addressed.

Are the police "fascists" for taking action against those breaking the law! Am I a fascist for suggesting a sensible way to solve the problems of both the addictions of people with habits clearly injurous to their health and those around them who have to suffer their criminal behaviour brought on by their addictions?

"i think that throwing things at such people is a healthy thing to do and i wish it happened more often"

Before you advocate lobbing stuff at people whose opinions you don't share, you need to establish a few ground rules because simply branding those people as "fascists" just won't do.

And whilst on the subject of ground rules, what about the missiles themselves? Whilst a sand-filled sock may seem  somewhat benign it could still cause quite an injury in some circumstances. So what next? How about half a brick? What about an empty beer bottle? 

The term "fascist" is too wide and provides a convenient justification for those who lack a reasoned argument. Suggesting it is a "healthy thing" to lob missiles at somebody who holds contrary views is a slippery slope.

^^ Indeed!  And for Nigel Farage, it was first a milk shake and the a piece of concrete .

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you are aware new judge that the OP is about a member of the BUF in 1938? in other words a person speaking up for hitler? 

a fascist isn't just a person with a disagreeable point of view and it isn't just someone who is intolerant (the idea that it is is absurd and ignorant). a fascist is somebody who wishes to take control of the state and use it to violently purge undesirable demographics from the population. this is exactly what the BUF would have done to this country had they won power. i do not consider that to come within the boundaries of respectful disagreement. 

“you are aware new judge that the OP is about a member of the BUF in 1938? in other words a person speaking up for hitler?”

Yes I am. I’m also fairly certain you didn’t post the newspaper cutting to enlighten us of a minor event from 86 years ago.

“a fascist isn't just a person with a disagreeable point of view and it isn't just someone who is intolerant”

I’m quite aware of that too. But where I think we part company is my contention that the term is used far too liberally by many as a label for people whose opinions they disagree with.

“i do not consider that to come within the boundaries of respectful disagreement.”

Possibly not. But the difficulty you have, before you start lobbing missiles about, is to identify who is to determine where those boundaries lie. Because today, as I suggested above, some people draw the boundary far too much in accordance with their own personal opinions.

untitled;  //you are aware new judge that the OP is about a member of the BUF in 1938? in other words a person speaking up for hitler?//

Do you believe that every word uttered by Adolf Hitler was 100% wrong ?

Do you understand the terms of the Versailles treaty and think they were reasonable ? 

Many people didn't including people of the stature of John Maynard Keynes who opined that such punitive measures would only lead to further conflict & problems for Europe.

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by 1938 khandro hitler had already passed the nuremburg laws, began to sterilise the disabled and were putting communists in concentration camps... i think that rather overrides any sympathy one might have with their criticism of the versailles treaty!!

No, free speech is an entitlement. Using violence and criminal damage to prevent it is not.

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