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T W A U ... The Chase....todays Gem......

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ToraToraTora | 19:29 Wed 10th Jul 2024 | Film, Media & TV
15 Answers

MC this time and of all these I found this most disturbing...

Q: In 2019, "world space week' celebrated the 50th anniversary of which event?

A: Spave shuttle debut. B: Launch of Sputnik. C:Apollo moon landing.

Answer:B - Perlease! when the young forget this we are doomed. The greatest of all mankind's achievements how can anyone not know?



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Ground control to Major Tom.

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..commencing countdown engines on!🚀

I could never understand why Louis didn't take his trumpet up there to play.

What's MC?

That confused me but I think it must be "multiple choice" as opposed to the cashbuilder round.

Thanks.  All I could think of was Masterchef which made no sense at all!

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MC=Multiple Choice

I knew the answer but never thought it was the greatest human achievement 

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14:14 really, what was then?

How about discovering zero. Without it there is no maths and hence not much in the way of science.

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nah that didn't really change anything. Maths was being discovered long before they put a ring round the empty space. Ancient egyptians, Mayans, aztecs, greeks where doing maths 5 thousand years ago. Even the builders of stonehenge were doing it.

"How about discovering zero. Without it there is no maths"

I think the ancient Greeks would dispute that claim.

What is a "spave shuttle"?

Writing is the greatest achievement of humanity.

And reading, of course.

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....and rithmetic?

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T W A U ... The Chase....todays Gem......

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