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Pendleside Film Dingbats [Please Do Not Look If You Do Not Wish To See Answers That May Come In]

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hops | 14:34 Sat 06th Jul 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
24 Answers

NO 28          THE FEMININE




NO 43                 Damn Do


NO 44                 COBLOODOD


NO 50            GPKIN


NO 51              VIOLET



i thought no 44 could be IN COLD BLOOD but that would mean there is a spelling mistake in the question, ie the penulimate letter which is shown as an O would have to be an L 

the answer however maybe something completely different

any help would be appreciated



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This is a quiz to support a hospice.

The closing date is 7th September...2 months away.

Why not let the quizsetter sell a few quizzes before giving all the answers away and put people off entering.

 "Please do not look....."

 what a ridiculous request!

hops, when you get the answers please let us know what No.50 was? 

Question Author

i will

Thank you hops x

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Pendleside Film Dingbats [Please Do Not Look If You Do Not Wish To See Answers That May Come In]

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