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Right Result?

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ToraToraTora | 11:30 Sat 13th Jul 2024 | News
15 Answers

It's frankly ridiculous that Baldwin was charged. If anyone is at fault it's whoever...

a) Brought or allowed live ammunition on set

b) Brought or allowed an actual gun capable of firing said ammo.

I just don't understand how a real gun with real ammo was anywhere near the set.



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I agree with you.

There should never have been live ammo anywhere near the movie set.  

There was no way that Baldwin could be considered to have done anything illegal.

It was just a gigantic waste of money and time.


It's probably got to be a real gun to make the film authentic but it should only fire blanks harmless at more than a couple of feet.

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shame they can't prosecute the prosecutors, shameful exercise. Baldwin must have gone through hell for 3 years, all unnecessary.

Yes - it was the right result & a daft prosecution. But victims demand a full explanation.

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interesting article here:

Apparently the actual shots are added digitally in post production in most cases.

Every TV series featuring the American 'justice' system shows how perverse and politically motivated it is.

This case may have been seen as a career builder, a step closer to higher office for those at the top.

Most fiction is never far from one truth or another.

It is the right result. It did not have anything to do with him, it was the ammourer who was at fault.

Absolutely the right result.

It seems the Prosecution suppressed some evidence. Well I never... 

The right result.

However you should never ever point a real gun at anyone - loaded or unloaded, blanks or real bullets.

His training should have taught him that.

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It's acting hoppy hard to make a western without pointing guns at people.

Not hard I would have thought, using camera angles etc.

Look how often you see an actor punch someone realistically, but not connecting.

I vividly remember being in the cadet force and visiting an army camp. The regular soldier instructor at the rifle range pointed to the high fence around it and told us that if any of us was seen pointing a firearm at someone else we would clear the fence as we were thrown out. Those rules didn't just apply to cadets.

Perhaps if the Americans adopted the ways of the British Army, they would have a few less deaths.

Hopkirk .You would have landed on your feet 😀

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