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Biden - Why Are They Allowing Him To Run?

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naomi24 | 11:33 Sat 13th Jul 2024 | Politics
28 Answers

It makes no sense.  The whole world can see he isn't fit.  What's the reasoning behind it?



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Is he even able to make the choice? If he is suffering with dementia or similar, is he aware?I said elsewhere that I feel sorry for him. Not just due to what seems to be his mental incapacity,  but also that others are allowing it to be so damn public. If you love, admire, or care for someone...whether a relative, friend or co- try to protect them....
13:15 Sat 13th Jul 2024

I find myself thinking the Democrats have a death wish.

My brother sends me frequent YouTube videos of very grassroots anti trump/Pro Democrat supporters. Those that comment will vote Democrat no matter who is on the ballot...anything to keep Trump, and Project 2025 out.

Oh...and thanks for BA. I just noticed as I was typing. 

Absolutely pasta, they keep wheeling him out to show how solid he is and he just makes more gaffs. More fodder for the media circus to repeat ad nauseam. He always looks cream crackered to me anyway. He deserves a bit of a rest, they must find a way.

because removing a sitting president is extremely complicated time-consuming and difficult. trump should have been removed immediately after january 6th and wasn't. if they can't persuade biden or his team to stand down on health grounds then it could take months to resolve and they don't have the time. 

it is disgraceful that he is being allowed to stand. it reminds one of konstantin chernenko. 

there should be age limits in politics. if you're going to turn 75 in the term you are standing for, then you shouldn't be eligible to run--and apply it to congressional seats too. break up the gerontocracy. be an advisor or something instead if you must be involved. 

 Americans need to wake up and find other people, they have let two geriatrics fight it out for the top job and no one else appears to be doing anything about it. They need to  challenge the norm with younger decent presidential candidates.

The fact that he's stubbornly refusing to stand down further confirms his unfitness. He's making it all about himself rather than what's right for the country.


Apparently his family have been encouraging him to continue. God knows what they're thinking. I wouldn't want to see an elderly relative humiliate himself, as he is now continually doing.


It is ridiculous that there seems no easy mechanism to withdraw the nomination from him.

I believe they were trying to hide his illness long enough from the American people to get him re-elected and then replace him with Kamala Harris next spring (and they say Trump is against democracy!) but Biden's decline has been so rapid in recent weeks that has backfired and their only hope of beating Trump now is to replace him immediately.

but it isn't just biden and trump. congress is also controlled by octogenarians who are obviously too old for the job. the USA is ruled by the elderly and we see the consequences here

Naomi has nailed it by saying the whole world can see it. The final nail in the coffin should surely be introducing Zelensky as Putin. I can't think of a worse gaffe he could have made.


The trouble is his wife is clearly a narcissist who loves being the First Lady, and under normal circumstances it should be your closest loved one who should pull the plug, but she won't.

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