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Ain't So Easy Is It Rodders?

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ToraToraTora | 11:32 Sat 13th Jul 2024 | News
33 Answers

So how long will the government be blaming the previous one for their incompetance?



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just wait till their first budget...

does not matter who is in government, so amny illogical laws protecting the criminal, we they have lost common sense, let's start with over population and the system to able to accommodate that expanse, nope...kick it into the long grass. it's blindingly obvious, all things nhs public services, prisons blah get it.

^^^             ^^^

So true.

probably 14 years, about as long as Tories have been moaning about Blair. Obviously, it's outrageous that the country hasn't been put back on its feet in the last week; thank heavens we have social media to tell us so.

some of us must have done alright over the past few years.

Some of you probably have, that's how the Tories get donations; but the average wage, adjusted for inflation, was lower in 2023 than in 2008.

"And they *The Tories *rewarded the the people who helped crash the economy with seats in the House of Lords"

Sir Keir was spot on with his comments like  "The Tories scrambled to advance their own interests while millions of people were pushed into greater insecurity"

And KS is set to load up the Lords with a bucketful of Labour peers just to even up the numbers. The madness continues.

10.05 Of course SK is going to put more labour members into the HOL .Boris and co loaded the place up to 274 cons against 168 LAB . Labour have a huge majority in the Commons after crushing the Tories .Now they want to    "Level up" in the HOL,,,Why not!

tweedledumm & tweedledee, out of self-interest bolstering an archaic institution that should be radically reformed or  abolished.

What are "Rodders", please?

Sir Keir Rodney Starmer, pete.

Thank you, Newmodarmy!

"... but the average wage, adjusted for inflation, was lower in 2023 than in 2008."

That's scarcely surprising.

Following the financial crisis of 2008 (for which the then Labour government was not to blame) hundreds of billions of pounds of worthless money was printed to save the banks (and thus peoples'personal finances) from collapse. During the Covid pandemic in 2020 and 2021 (for which the then Conservative government was not to blame) hundreds of billions of pounds of worthless money was printed to pay people to sit at home munching Hobnobs. Many of them were more happy to do that and some of them have not managed to stir hemselves from that torpid state to return to work normally.found  

These sums have to be repaid and those now complaining that their pay is not as good as it was in 2008 should remember that.

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