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Water Aid Just The Job Quiz Cd 31/8

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saintstim | 15:17 Fri 31st May 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers

Can anyone help with these. The name in the answer will contain an occupation.

45 A social media personality and rapper from Texas who amassed over 360,000 on his Tik Tok account   8,6 letters

49 Published a collection of very personal haiku poetry and art in 2012  6,7,11

Thanks for any help




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45 there's a Chandler Cooper who released a rap record 2017

George Richard Chamberlain

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Thank you both very much .   They'd been driving me mad for ages.

hello saintstim can you help me please with the photo number 5 please and also Q23 thank you

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Water Aid Just The Job Quiz Cd 31/8

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