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My Avocados Are Almost As Hard As Rocks.

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sandyRoe | 12:23 Fri 12th Jul 2024 | Food & Drink
46 Answers

So it's going to be toast on its own for breakfast this morning.

How long will it take for them to ripen?



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I'll try one later today and report back.  It's a bit too early for breakfast.

Sorry, but avacadoes are not a breakfast item.

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They're still hard despite being wrapped in a paper bag with bananas.

They're in the bin now.

Don't bin them sandy. I've had the experience of avocado that still felt hard, but were, incredibly, OK.

Cut the tip off of one to try.

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OK, Pasta.

I'll fish them out and give them a good rinse under running water.

I will be having mine which were ripening on my windowsill shortly. They have riped up nicely.

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