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Tv Licence Renewal

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smurfchops | 12:29 Tue 16th Jul 2024 | Business & Finance
13 Answers

Just had a letter from TV Licensing asking me to activate my online licence.  I don't want to activate my online licence and want reminders...e.g.  pieces of paper... sent through the post.  Shall l just ignore this, or what do l do to pay?  Will my direct debit automatically work instead?  



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Is your direct debit set up to automatically renew?  Have you always had a paper tv licence?  

The contact details are here

I set my account up to send me e-mail reminders when my licence is due and to send me a paper licence once it's been renewed.


I would add that I have also received 3 e-mail reminders recently telling me that my licence is due for renewal on 13th July!  This is not the case as my renewal date is February.  I do not pay by direct debit nor do I have a card stored to enable automatic renewal.  Obviously, the e-mails were a scam and I reported them accordingly.

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Thank you, they have my bank details so hopefully will renew as normal..

Please be aware of scam Tv licence emails. I have had three but my licence has been paid. Check the email address of the sender 

I suspect the letter is asking that you do it online but it's not compulsory just an option.

You don't need a paper licence. No one ever asks to see it.

True clementino- but in smurfchops case it was a letter so is far far less likely to be a scam

oops .....I should have spotted smurf said 'letter' not email, but it might help someone else 

I pay by direct debit and don't get any reminders, they just send out the licence.

I've justhad a reminder that mine is due on 1st August and will be collected by DD and reminding me of the amount. I always get a receipt when they've done it.

Even easier, dont pay.

Havnt had a licence for years, dont miss live TV one bit.

TV Licencing themselves tried scamming me by constantly telling me I hadn't re-newed when I had, and threatening me with a court appearance. I gave them all the details and they still said I hadn't paid. I gave them the transaction number from my bank details, the date, the time etc. They still insisted I hadn't paid. I said I'll go to court then. I heard nothing for a couple of weeks, so phoned for an update. The lady I spoke to said they can now confirm that I had paid and the problem was caused by me not speaking clearly on the auto payment line. I said that I'd spoken clearly enough for my account to be debited for the fee, but nope!  So there you have it folks. Twas my fault all along. Nothing new there then!

Again, what do you expect from the BBC's Stasi?

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Tv Licence Renewal

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