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Today Is A Sad Day Folks...........

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10ClarionSt | 08:24 Tue 16th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
7 Answers's 25 years since my best mate died. He was only 51. We had known each other from nursery, were in the same classes right through school; still kept in touch and went out together when we left school. Went to each others' weddings. Jack was the Senior Admissions Officer at Strangeways and was one of three officers trapped in underground tunnels during the riot of 1991, something that deeply affected him and probably contributed to his ill health afterwards. It was a big shock when he passed away at the young age of 51. I'll be going to put some flowers on his grave today. RIP Jack, my best mate ever. I'll see you on the other side of the starlight. 



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Poor fella, R I P.

Love never dies. ((X))

Sad - keep his memory alive.

Oh I'm so sorry - 51 is no age at all is it.  Very sad indeed x

Very sad.


A day to remember the good times you had  with your friend, 10C.  Precious memories 

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Thanks folks. The sad thing is that no-one from his family has put any flowers on his grave. I know people are busy and there might be reasons for not visiting, but his wife lives less than 5 mins walk from his grave, literally. The cemetery gates are opposite the street where she lives, and his grave is only 15 yards from the gate. I'm just baffled. Don't want to say any more. Thanks again folks. 

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Today Is A Sad Day Folks...........

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