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Southgate Resigns

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Ken4155 | 11:13 Tue 16th Jul 2024 | News
29 Answers

No link, just heard on local radio that Gareth Southgate has resigned.



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If it's possible to care less than nothing about football & it's machinations - I do.

Tora, pray tell me what he has won?

As a league manager he was relegated with Middlesborough and with England he won nothing, agreed he changed a few things but in football you've got to be a winner and with the players he had at his disposal he should've won more, playing players out of position and sticking to some players that clearly were not up to it or not fully fit was down to him, I for one am glad that he's gone!

10:08, nothing, same as all of them since 1966. He has got us furthest in international tournaments than any other manager since Ramsey, that's all I'm saying. Yet armchair "experts" like you see fit to dengrate. What is your qualification to offer such BS criticisism? What do you know about tac tics etc? How many teams have you managed? Presumably if you consider winning the only thing you also rate all the managers between Ramsay and Southgate even worse? Just another typical poorly thought out ignorant outpouring from a keyboard armchair "expert".

Are the players at his disposal any better or worse than all the preceeding managers?

Dear oh dear, one cannot have an opinion then?

I am saying what many thousands of supporters are saying, that with the best squad, (note the word squad), of players that any England manager has EVER had he could've and should've won more.

I note that you offer opinions on many different subjects on here, are you not a 'keyboard warrior and so called expert' also!!

saintpeter: "Dear oh dear, one cannot have an opinion then?" - you can and if it's rowlocks you can expect it to be challenged.

"I am saying what many thousands of supporters are saying, that with the best squad, (note the word squad), of players that any England manager has EVER had he could've and should've won more." - Yes and all the pundits and experts are saying the opposite. It's not the best squad it's comparable to past teams under other managers especially Bobby Robson's for 1990. Supporters both active and armchair are notoriously ignorant of the game, most of them don't even know the laws of the game. If they are your references then your cred is even lower.

"I note that you offer opinions on many different subjects on here, are you not a 'keyboard warrior and so called expert' also!!" - well all do that and expect to be challenged, it's the purposed of the site.

NJ beat me to it re Big Sam.

In my Statistics lessons I always taught pupils to question where the data comes from, eg  If a driving instructor has a 100% first time pass rate does that make them the best person to teach you to drive?  It provoked quite a lot of discussion.

There is usually a minimum credible sample size, that's why test match stats are only counted after 12 test matches.

Personally I enjoyed every England game, Southgate has done a fantastic job as did the team. He has decided to resign, would be more than happy to see him stay. Bet all the losing team managers wished they were as good. If England had won by one goal would people be praising him instead? 

12:25 bang on.

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