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If The Young Gunman Who Attempted To Assassinate...

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sandyRoe | 15:41 Wed 17th Jul 2024 | News
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...Trump had gone for a chest shot would the world of American politics be much changed?



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m convinced(and im not joking),the Illuminati are behind all this.

it does better as joke

IRA shots  - well Scappaticci ( Steak-knife) took 5 to his abdo and survived. Low velocity. Presumably if  you are tied to a chair, then it is pretty easy to shoot someone anywhere .

I’m not making that up. Hilary Clinton herself referred to Trump voters as ‘a basket of deplorables’.


It similar to the smears that any candidate to the right of centre gets in this country. I have heard the previous Tory government described as "Far Right" and "Extreme". This refers to a government that presided over record levels of taxation, record public spending and record immigration. If they are "Far Right" I'd hate to see how a proper Tory government would be described.

Worse than that is reserved for Nigel Farage, the Reform Party and their supporters. The party is described as fascist and those coting for them "swivel-eyed loons". This is because they do not subscribe to excessive immigration, do not support the lunacy that is "net zero" lunacy", do not support the EU and do not believe that the State can spend other people's money more wisely than they can themselves.

Donald Trump broke the mould in 2016 because people in the US were sick of the status quo. Similarly in that year the UK electorate kicked the EU into touch because they were sick of being governed by unelected foreigners. 

There are similar problems beginning to fester in his country because in five year's time, when the new government has failed to tackle migration, has failed to develop the country's energy security, has crippled many businesses with its dead hand of interferance and sacrificed many of the freedoms gained from Brexit by cosying up to Brussels, a similar revolution will occur here.

The State machine should beware of the electorate because they have a habit of only enduring only so much.

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