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New Gas Boiler

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MargoTester | 14:57 Wed 17th Jul 2024 | Home & Garden
23 Answers

Our old boiler is 14 years old but was virtually rebuilt last year by a British Gas engineer under an insurance policy we have with them. They are now offering us a new one at a cost of £3,500 with the option to purchase interest free over 3 years.

Does this sound reasonable and as we are both approaching 80 would we be likely to be accepted and if not would if affect our credit rating? I would appreciate your thoughts 



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The size of your property and how many bathrooms and radiators you have an affect on the cost of a new boiler. British Gas are expensive in my opinion.


3.5 large is taking the peace love!

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Ladybirder, the boiler is serviced every year under the Homecare scheme. 
Thanks for the input everyone, we're not going to replace at present and will get more quotes before we do anything 

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New Gas Boiler

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