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Generalist August/September

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stevenj | 15:21 Thu 18th Jul 2024 | Crosswords
6 Answers

I am trying to complete this month's puzzle. Two clues baffle me ( others are not yet found):

The first is 3 letters and starts with G . Orcadian  creek.

the other is: in music embellishments such as grace notes and trills. Both of the words I found are too long ! It's 9 letters long and begins with A





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Orcadian creek is voe

I think there was an earlier thread, I remember checking Chambers and finding Geo and Gio  as gullies in Orkney and Shetland.

Yes, there was an earlier thread, on 12th July,and both these clues were mentioned. Lie-in King gave Agrements (with an accent on the first E) for the music one.

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Well Torah can't be right as the answer begins with G. I found voe myself. NaC might have the answer! Thanks!
Any thoughts on the embellishments?


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Sorry NaC I moved too quickly !


Thanks, Stevenj. I remember being a little disappointed that there seemed to be two options for the Creek. Lie-in King's Agrements was, of course, correct, matching the definition in Chambers. I'd suggested Arpeggios, which is/was incorrect!

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Generalist August/September

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