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Will This Photo Define History ?

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Khandro | 12:38 Thu 18th Jul 2024 | News
46 Answers

I think it might;



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Like the raising of the flag on Iwo Jima - I thought that - AND the final line of the Birdman of Alcatraz - o god this wont last 30s with the mods - Burt Lancaster after the prison riot - "this is nart your Iwo Jima"

and I think in the end people will realise such a crude effort to imitate

Dan Rather talking about a"free press" is a complete joke

er - isnt free here: unfettered - not subject to arbitrary govt action ?

and being biassed is part of the freedom.

The flag raising on Iwo Jima in the photo was a re-enactment of a an earlier flag raising with a smaller flag.

naomi @ 14.30;

//untitled, please stop applying the word 'facist' to everyone who disagrees with your world view.  It's not only wrong, it's childish.  You sound like Wolfie Smith - and he wasn't the sharpest.//

I hope you take the same view to one regular user of this site who calls everyone 5C if they disagree with him.

//Trump is a bit like Bojo, people accuse him of telling porkies yet no one seems ever to be able to come up withj an example//

This is just nonsense. Trump's many many lies are well documented.

I googled 'trump's lies' and there are too many links to choose from to post here, so I suggest you do the same if you actually want to be informed about it, which I suspect you don't.

//untitled, please stop applying the word 'facist' to everyone who disagrees with your world view.  It's not only wrong, it's childish.  You sound like Wolfie Smith - and he wasn't the sharpest.//

should the mods be hectoring and lecturing punters like this ? with the threat of zapping available to one party only ( er the mods). At least we are left  with the great wodges of Good British Common Sense that we can read and be inspired by, at our  leisure

fascist has an 's' in it

I dont expect this to last

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