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What Google Site

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JinnyJoan | 13:15 Thu 18th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
13 Answers

should I go on if I want to look at a certain property front and back and side if I can.



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No such site since it would mean going onto private property.

However you could look on "Rightmove" type sites to see if the property was featured, often details are kept on there after sale.

There may be estate agents photos if it's for sale or been sold fairly recently - rightmove or zoopla.

google maps satellite image for a overhead view.

streetview will probably only show the front.

Google Earth.  Zoom in and see a property from above.  I didn't one of my neighbours had a swimming pool in their back garden.

Google earth only shows one angle. 

But it does show front back and sides and you can tilt to get different angles

Nope, cant see the sides of mine.  It kust blurs.

I can see windows and a door on the side, the path and dustbin, the waste pipes. I can see the windows and curtains at the back, the flower pots and furniture on the patio. 

Are you using shift and drag?

Yes, I am a programmer I know how to use apps!

Strange how you can't see what I can. I used my PC for Google Earth

"Yes, I am a programmer I know how to use apps!"

Quote of the day :-)


These days Google Maps also has a 3D satellite view, where available, e.g.:,-5.9210464,106a,35y,39.53t/data=!3m1!1e3?entry=ttu


Try this link:


try googling the address and if the property has been for sale in recent years there may still be photos of it on real estate websites

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