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Good Morning Early Saturday Birds!

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Smowball | 06:15 Sat 20th Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
13 Answers

After a scorcher  here yesterday of almost 31 degrees it promises to be hot again today but not to quite those heights lol! Nearer 25 apparently. Certainly at this time yesterday it was pure blue skies & today its cloudy at the mo. 
Nothing major planned for today - definitely don't have to do any unwanted jobs in house or garden, so hoping to have a lazy one! 
Anybody doing anything interesting?? Or just hoping to chill like me. X



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Morning Smow, thunder storms promised for us today and much cooler than yesterday.  

Question Author

Morning Barry, yes thunderstorms wouldn't surprise me.  Whereabouts do you live again? 

good morning smow


Good Morning
One And All
And Isn't It
A Beautiful Morning ?

Am I Right ?
I'm Not Wrong !

Question Author

Good Morning Johnny. Yes it looks to be another lovely day for most of us! 

G'day all.  Went up to 38° here yesterday, and then massive 20 min. thunderstorm at 7:00pm. Beautiful morning now with temp. at 20°. 

                                                                                                  Another event yesterday was that I had a melanoma hacked out of my face next to my cheekbone and ear. I now have a white dressing on it and look as if I'm wearing it in sympathy with Donald Trump.

I was told I may remove it this evening, and wonder what I will find. If I have a scar I shall say it's from duelling. 

We too have thunderstorms forecast later, we have a bit of shopping this morning, a stroll around Preston docks for a leg stretch then its the final mountain day in the Tour de France for me this afternoon, followed by Hull v Wigan in the Rugby, so a pretty full day 

Bright sunshine, already 19 degrees.  Housework today, I have been neglecting it in favour of gardening this week.

Up here in Aberdeen the usual-cold,damp,dreich.When is this"Global Warming"kicking in again?Its not happening up here in Scotland thats for sure.

Its just too hot!

And its just nice to have an excuse to chill out.

Drink plenty of water is my advice, have a good day folks!

@08.34."its just too hot"? obviously dont live in the UK chips.


I thought I was going to melt to death yesterday. I went to visit my daughter at university by train. The aircon was good on the journey there in the morning, on the way back, it clearly wasn't coping. It was awful. No matter. A bit of a reprieve today by the looks of it. I'm not going to do a jot except feed myself.

Morning all. Its a bit cooler here today which makes it much better for dog walking. We also have the possibility of thunder storms later here in the midlands. I actually like watching the thunder and lightning though here in the UK they cant compare to those in Florida or Far East.

Have a happy day everyone 😀

Good morning all.

Still cloudy and spitting drops of rain here in Belfast.  I was just out for a paper so I'll have a look at the crossword.

Later a veggie lunch with a friend.

Whatever your plans, enjoy your day.

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Good Morning Early Saturday Birds!

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