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Is Crowdstrike Financially Liable For The Worldwide It Outage Today?

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barney15c | 17:47 Fri 19th Jul 2024 | News
25 Answers

Is Crowdstrike financially liable for the disruption they have caused with their broken update which clearly was not tested thoroughly enough. 



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Those companies/organisation that have signed up to Cloudstrike’s services, allow their servers to give permission to them (Cloudstrike) to make critical changes to their systems automatically (in the name of protecting their systems from viruses, malware etc).


Once hackers breach whatever protection is in place to prevent unauthorised access to the Microsoft software (as used by Cloudstrike), all connected Microsoft server systems would be at risk of a similar outage – which could not be fixed by a simple re-boot in safe mode.


You have been warned.

I'm hearing the update released by Crowdstrike wasn't a feature update but a security patch. 

Whichever O/S you're running, you're always advised to install the latest security patchset.

Dammned if you do...etc.

Cloud or Crowd, there's only one way to sort this out...

I thought that if something were system critical then you took moe care

and if consent were reqd - wdnt the failure cascade? and be stoppable - as in "Dont allow the update" and the sleepiest businesses survive

( yeah ! The mods will hate this witness history - like in 1975 after a death from contaminated N2O - the message ran round to ALL UK hospitals: "do not use N2O in your anaesthetics!" ) - and everyonewondered how in hell to give an anesthetic. Sat am not many)

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Is Crowdstrike Financially Liable For The Worldwide It Outage Today?

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