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What Kind Of A Heating Element Is In An Electric Shower?

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sandyRoe | 12:13 Sat 20th Jul 2024 | Home & Garden
10 Answers

The water goes into it cold and comes out as hot as you want.  How is it heated so quickly?



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Get away; they appear from Sandy !
13:52 Sat 20th Jul 2024

I think the cold water goes on the bottom and passes over a simple coiled heating element that works in a similar way to the one in an electric kettle.

yeah.  I have always wondered why shower fires are so rare- perhaps it  is because of  the water ! haw haw haw

Simple physics, the heater is normally rated between 8.5 – 10.5kW and at the water flow rate it is heated from circa 20⁰C to 45⁰C; the heater tank has a volume of less than one litre, leading to heated output water in a very short time from first switch on.

It's 'brute force' really, Sandy. A small copper tank containing a heating element and a restricted flow of cold water. Such a small amout of water passing over, in some cases, a 10kw element. In old money, think of 10 bars of an electric fire all on at once.

The water doesn't stand a chance.  😋

Am I right in thinking when you turn the heat up or down it is the amount of water that changes and not the temperature of the element?

That's right Barry, Although a lot of them have low/med/high settings to select.

Choosing the 'medium' setting usually means switching in a lower rated element. (Showers can have more than one element.)

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Thanks for the answers.  It's one of those questions that seems to appear out of nowhere.

Get away; they appear from Sandy !

Thanks, builder 

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What Kind Of A Heating Element Is In An Electric Shower?

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