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Labour To Fast Track 90,000 Asylum Claims

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naomi24 | 12:03 Sat 20th Jul 2024 | News
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//Of the 90,000 told they could be put on deportation flights, about 60,000 are predicted to have their claims accepted.  Some of the Rwanda cohort had taken challenges to the High Court and were told yesterday that their claims would be processed within a week “as a priority”.//


Meanwhile the boats continue to arrive.  Now where's that cure-all rubber stamp?



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The great betrayal of the poor sods on the housing, medical and school waiting lists.
12:37 Sat 20th Jul 2024

And enjoy British hospitality,,,,

Coming to a City, Town, and Village near YOU. This will affect you eventually, and I do mean YOU.

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^60,000 will fill a whole town and this is just the beginning.  No surprise Labour is so keen to build houses. 

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Another thought:  cost aside, can you imagine the logistics of deporting 30,000 people?  

Lots of ships, rubber boats and aeroplanes?

Let alone a country that will accept your unwanted.

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Labour To Fast Track 90,000 Asylum Claims

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