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I urgently need to withdraw cash from an ATM. Has any fellow ABer actually used one today and successfully got cash from it?

I've checked my bank's internet page, but there's no mention of the outage.


Just met a neighbour who's been to the local Morrison's to use their ATM, which is thankfully working.

"this sort of thing demonstrates how vulnerable we are, reliant on IT systems."

Actually what it demonstrates is that the people who run these things have not built in sufficient resilience to cope with these events. 

It also demonstrates how false the idea of not using, or indeed having, cash, is. All this support for card waving drops you right in it. (And that's ignoring monitoring/controlling issues.)

We had a run out to Devizes (Wilts) this morning and had no problems in a small butcher's or in Morrison's.

NJ is correct, whist the fix should not have been implmented as it clearly wasnt tested sufficiently there seems to be a total lack of BCP/DR here.

Plus no company should have auto update on, all updates should be applied in an isolation area and checked then rolled out to individuals on a gradual basis - its standard procedure, I know becasue I have done it at a Bank.

I would imagine some heads will roll at some companies.  Not the NHS though, probably get promoted there out the way.

Our local co-op over the road is still taking cash only, I've been told. Sainsburys, a couple of miles away seems to be OK. I typically make sure I keep a bit of cash on me at all times. Guess what? I've got a pound in my handbag! 😁


Never had these problems when we used carbon paper 

A meme I saw earlier..

'Does anyone know how Liz Truss' first day at Microsoft is going?'


//Never had these problems when we used carbon paper //

Perhaps we should all get our cudgels out and smash these infrnal machines.

It amuses me that all this chaos has been brought on by a company providing cyber security. That is irony.

but Patsy, how did you get a trolley if you had to spend your pound on buying things?

this sort of thing demonstrates how vulnerable we are, reliant on IT systems

TTT, isn't that what dustypuss was saying by "eggs in one basket"?

The worst apps that I have to use are banking apps.  
They are very user unfriendly, logging in is almost impossible and the consequence is to make them unuseable for huge numbers of customers.  
That's because they are over speced with all this cyber security nonsence.

Crowdspike (the company responsible for this mess) made $3Billion last year.

Hasn't Putain claimed that he did it yet?

he doesn't have to, DTC, as far as he's concerned it's just western capitalism shooting itself in the foot. He might not be 100% wrong...

this sort of thing demonstrates how vulnerable we are, reliant on IT systems."

Actually what it demonstrates is that the people who run these things have not built in sufficient resilience to cope with these events. 

Same thing NJ. When computer says no, computer says no. Good luck arguing whose fault it was at the check in desk.


"Same thing NJ. When computer says no, computer says no. Good luck arguing whose fault it was at the check in desk."

This would not have happened if the customers of the Crowdstrike spivs had built resilience into their systems. In particular they should not have permitted auto-updates to be released on to such critical IT systems. Instead they should have tested any updates themselves and only released them to their systems when they were happy they were error-free. They are the people I was referring to.

The BBC fluffies ( who read mod history and media and mediaeval French) have been inundated with emails from punters such as myself, that resilience isnt new, and has been demanded in other  spheres since well....

.... soldier carried four nails to use THREE to  nail Jesus to the cross. Sunday but no biblical ref available

13:19, there is a lot of slapdashery in the IT industry these days. The testing is woeful. I've worked in IT all my life and we have always tried to test the systems so that all but the most obscure bugs are removed. It seems these days that even rudementary testing is half arised. Not saying I never put a duff bit of code live but if I did it would have been an obscure combination of events.

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