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How To Stop The Boats.....

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ToraToraTora | 22:13 Thu 18th Jul 2024 | News
36 Answers

How is giving the Africans £84m going to help? We've been bunging the French to no effect, why should Africa be any different? They'll just trouser the dosh and nothing will change.



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Well, lining the frog's pockets did absolutely nothing, so you would've thought they'd have twigged that throwing money at other countries will do nothing.
00:22 Fri 19th Jul 2024

Actually, that results in true cultural appropriation (as opposed to present day misuse of the term) as they deny the people they invaded from having their culture.

The Finns have the right idea. This is the only way to stop the boats:;pc=ASTS&cvid=0c377b7faf84429087a1eb97b848ffe4&ei=65

"Starting Monday, 22nd July, any foreigner who illegally crosses the barrier on the Finnish-Russian border will be sent back to the other side. Migrants caught at the border after crossing it will be sent back to the Russian side without the right to appeal. Asylum applications will neither be accepted nor considered." [my emphasis].

Presumably Finland has received permission from the United Nations to derogate itself from the UN's interpretation of Article 31 of its own Refugee Convention. 

The border between Russia and Finland is over 800 miles long but there are only about a dozen official crossing points. Despite much of the border being in forests and scrubland the Finnish Border Service manages to patrol the entire border quite successfully. 

^and we provide a taxi service.... one way.... this way.

New Judge, thank you for your answer, I would be interested to hear your view on the following and of course, anybody else who is concerned about what's happening.

Giving the French money just to stop the boats coming across the channel obviously hasn't worked. Surely this non stop influx is detrimental to both countries, so is it now the time for Britain and France to work together and stop them, not at the channel but where they are entering France? Both countries have sufficient, drones, aircraft, boats and satellites to survey the areas where they are most likely to cross and the two countries working together could stop it almost at source. Seeing that a large percentage enter via Italy, perhaps they too should be involved.

Is this practical or just naivety on my part?

They're coming in through Greece too. 

If they are on the way to the UK then the French authorities have no incentive to work with the UK to stop those who aren't staying in France anyway.

Echoing The Duke of Wellington's answer to Queen Victoria over the problem of the birds flying around in the Chrystal Palace,

"Try sparrow hawks Ma'am".

What about killer whales trained to attack rubber boats ? 

do the government even want to stop the boats? after all, each new landing brings another batch of highly qualified surgeons, doctors and engineers to our shores. allegedly.

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vulcan: "so is it now the time for Britain and France to work together and stop them, not at the channel but where they are entering France" - been saying for years, all the French have to do is agree to accept them straight back. Once word gets round they wont even go to France in the first place. Result sorted for us both. Sadly the French place more value on not helping us than they do on helping themselves.

Thanks for the answers. It seems there are methods of stopping them but other countries don't  want to get involved. They were quite happy for the UK to get involved in 1939, what a pity they have such short memories.

The only way really is for the European boats meeting them in the Mediterranean to tow them or escort them back to Africa and Asia.

Hmm, maybe time to let that go and move on.

TTT France has 4,000 km of borders !!  Illegal migrants are entering France from all directions. 

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17:34, yes but the ones that want to come to England wont bother if they know that they cannot get to England because we will just transport them back with the agreement of France, win win.

When Frau Merkel welcomed all comers I can't imagine how she didn't realise Europe would be inundated.  

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Perhaps all the other countries of Europe should send them all to Germany, they invited them!

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