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Guy In The Office Keeps Interfering With My Conversations With Another Coworker

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Treacle71 | 07:00 Thu 18th Jul 2024 | Business & Finance
15 Answers

I work with five others in the office, but I get on particularly well with one female.  We have good banter/conversation.  There is one guy who has been in our office about 5 months now (I've been here 9 years and my coworker 5 years).  Each time I get up to talk to my 'friend', he'll turn round as if to check on us.  If she emails me he'll hover around her desk seeing if he can read anything.  I was on leave two weeks ago and he told my coworker I'm not to be trusted!  Well, he doesn't know me from Adam, so I don't know why he's saying this to her about me.  He did tell me a few weeks ago he wasn't so sure about my coworker (the one I've developed good rapport with) and I told him that I hoped he can sort it out between them.  

Why would he get involved in two girl's conversations in the office?  It's not like he is on his own here as the only male coworker, as there are two other males.  It's like he's observing me and making judgements or something.  



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dasherman ; //It seems to me you spend most of your time nattering or posting on this site. Perhaps if you just got on with your job this other person/people would leave you alone//That imo is more than a tad unhelpful & certainly impolite.
12:33 Thu 18th Jul 2024

Maybe he thinks you spend too much time bantering with your colleague.

Maybe he feels excluded.

Probably just normal office behaviour to most people, easily coped with

Good Morning,

Reading back over your previous questions you appear to have an issue with most of your co workers and management, you feel that you are being watched all the time and that others are being treated better than you.

Perhaps he was warning your work 'friend' that you will turn on her one day as you have with others.

Question Author

My coworker is emailing me and he has asked to look at what she's saying to me.

He may be a Russian spy.

How on earth does he know she is emailing you?  Is it work related?  

Question Author

Yes, it's work related, but he'll get up and hover over her wanting to know what she's saying to me or whomever.

I don't know what work you all do, but have you simply asked him why he wants to know??

Good morning (again)

I have worked in many offices and I have never had a co worker ask me what another co worker is sending.

Have you perhaps given him the impression that you two are talking about him?

Have you been welcoming to him, or complain about him like you have other colleagues? 

You have complained previously that you feel colleagues are talking about you in their own language, is it possible that with looks and 'giggles' he has surmised that you are talking about him?

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I don't know, DDIL, but it's odd behaviour.  Even our immediate supervisor said it's odd.    

Thank you for all your replies btw, so far.  


If your supervisor has said it is odd behaviour, why are they not tackling it?

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Poor management, DDIL.  Always left to us to sort out.  

A perfect opportunity to have a lot of fun.

Start feeding him lots of false information in emails to your colleague, - you've heard the firm is being bought up by Elon Musk etc. and watch him hoist himself by his own petard. 😄

It seems to me you spend most of your time nattering or posting on this site. Perhaps if you just got on with your job this other person/people would leave you alone

dasherman ; //It seems to me you spend most of your time nattering or posting on this site. Perhaps if you just got on with your job this other person/people would leave you alone//

That imo is more than a tad unhelpful & certainly impolite.

Question Author

I agree, dasherman.  We have to have some conversation throughout the day.  

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