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Preacher Guilty Of Directing Banned Terror Group

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naomi24 | 13:41 Tue 23rd Jul 2024 | News
13 Answers

//Radical preacher Anjem Choudary has been found guilty of directing a group banned under UK terror laws and encouraging support for it online.  The court heard that Choudary said he viewed being called an extremist as a "medallion" during lectures.  He was previously jailed in 2016 for encouraging support for the Islamic State group. He told the jury during his trial that after his release he had continued to do his best to propagate Islam.//



I hope they throw the key away this time.



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He's lucky he ain't in a country that chops bits off for wrongdoing.

Nah, Starmers mates in the HRA arena will get him out.

Minorities see, we have to pamper to their every will.

Shame we don't have a Guantanemo to send him to.

should upset our resident Jihad groupies!

I think they prefer us to pander to their every whim but have it your way. x

Convicted terrorist back for another round but the BBC leads with tearful dancers and an over paid crisp punter, eventually getting to your man roughly 20 minutes into the main evening bulletin.

Priorities are clear.

the usual far right answers I see. But.... I note

Shame we don't have a Guantanemo to send him to.

we do. ( have a guantanamo - and a leddy from G is a guantanamera - yes the song.)

off shore military garrisons - and around 1944 Their Lordships (House of Lords Judical ctee silly) held the King;s writ  ran in these places (*)

and the short answer = no torture ( forbidden by the Magna Carta I think - but  what the hell - this is AB)

entonces Guantánamo no es la respuesta. - o  god forrin: I am damned




but the BBC leads with tearful dancers  -  yeah but no but - anyone know the name of the song of the  second clip ( white cozzy)?

The thing about Anjem Choudry is that stupid young men were gullible enough to go and join up! Presumably there was "group learning" - the group learnt that if they did what he said,  they would die. And so they kinda stayed here

Can we get a translation of that Peter....err,into something sensible and legible?

er yes certainly

1. Guantanamo is off shore ( Cuba actually) and there is a prison there ( = house with bars - iron bars !)

2. and there are people inside- but not  Americans or Brits.

3. and they arent convicts because they havent been convicted of anything but everyone says they are very bad.

4. and they scream every night  because their toenails are being  pulled out = torture

5 and  the  courts said that was OK ( AG certified it  was not torture and the prisoners cdnt go to court as they  werent in America - cute huh?)

6 and so they went on waterboarding - and the prisoners went on screaming. and the courts went on ignoring

7 and altho we Brits have off shore garrisons ( islands where lots of soldiers are) British Law applies so 2,3,4,5 and 6 dont apply. We know this because some very hoity toity Lords said so in 1944 and what a Lord says - goes!

8 - erm so we dont need a Guantanamo

9. Sozza N I did  not ask for this. blame ynni and her clever one-liners

10 - capeeshy or as they say in G - entendiende?

8. We clearly do as Anjem Choudhary has proved; the British justice system is no deterrent to violent Islamic extremists.  

//I hope they throw the key away this time.//

Me too. 

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