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Is Trump Too Old To Be Running For The Presidency?

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sandyRoe | 21:34 Sun 21st Jul 2024 | People & Places
21 Answers

If he survived the entirety of his term in office he'd be well into his 80s.

He should be playing more golf under the Florida sun while he's still able.




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Age shouldn't matter. OH and I 'eloped' to UK when he was 75, married when he was 80, kept 2 houses and acres of land, 30Km apart, going for 5 years until mine sold; packed up houses, cleaned, cleared; dealt with all the legalities in French and English; bought a house in England from France and moved to UK when he was 82.  It was a massive effort for both of us, but we...
17:33 Mon 22nd Jul 2024

He's too old for running for a bus yet alone the leader of the free world!!

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Is Trump Too Old To Be Running For The Presidency?

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