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Republican Calls For Civil War If Trump Loses

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Untitled | 21:21 Tue 23rd Jul 2024 | News
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he has apologised... but there are many in his party who agree. Donald Trump has said nothing and has not ruled out violence if he loses when asked on other occasions...

can we expect the republicans to attack if their nominee loses in November?



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The civil war is already happening.It just hasn't become full on violent yet. It is being played out in Congress, the courts and the media.The anti-democracy side is already gearing up to attempt another steal should they lose in November.There is likely to be violence and intimidation on election night which Trump will do everything in his power to...
22:32 Tue 23rd Jul 2024

//Tell you what Hymie: I you had the power to rip up the referendum result and put it all back as it was regarding the EUSSR, would you?//


Absolutely not – the electorate have to come to the realisation of what a disaster Brexit is (which, by and large has happened), but such a monumental mistake cannot be easily rectified.

There would need to be a referendum (which the re-joiners won), even then it would take considerable negotiation/time before we could rejoin.

We can't know how the election in November will pan out but 45 seems to be of a mind that if he doesn't win it's because his opponents cheated.  Telling his followers that doesn't auger well for democracy.


The 45th President, but I think you knew that.  ;-)

Oh right.  That didn't occur to me - which is why I asked.

At 23:39 I posted //Yes I have – show me one of my posts where I say that the Remain vote won – and that the referendum was stolen.//


I’m still waiting for someone (TTT?), to find one of my post in which I claim that the stupid people who voted ‘Leave’ in the referendum, were out voted by the Remain voters – and that the referendum was stolen.

so the majority, of the electorate that voted for brexit are stupid in slimie hymie land? right oh! Yet only 20% of the electorate that voted Labour are all geniuses? Right oh!

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